
03/07/2018 12:07:27 por fabricioreis

FISL18 is waiting for you!

Every year, FISL counts on the collaboration of hundreds of volunteers and speakers, but the reason for our event is you – participant!  It is by you and for you that this event happens.

Each participant, when signing up, helps write FISL`s story!

Over these years, FISL thanks everyone who donated a little – or a lot – of themselves to build this story. And invites everyone to celebrate with us our 18th edition, in Porto Alegre, from July 11th to July 14th, 2018.

It will be an honor to have you!

Take a look there in the Schedule/Tracks and check everything that will be going on at FISL18!

Do not lose time! Register now and enjoy progressive discounts!

 Categoria de Inscrições
Até 31/03/2018 Até 31/05/2018 Até 30/06/2018 No Local
Individual/ Corporate/Foreign R$ 300,00 R$ 330,00 R$ 380,00 R$ 410,00
Student R$ 150,00 R$ 165,00 R$ 190,00 R$ 205,00
Caravan (*) R$ 150,00 R$ 165,00 R$ 190,00 R$ 205,00
Endeavor       R$ 450,00

(*) You can also participate in FISL18 being a convoy leader or joining one with your friends, classmates, university or work mates. More information here.

The second batch of registrations end by 31/05/2018. Enjoy the discount!!!

Register HERE!!!